Know Your Rights: Frequently Asked Questions

The Police Are Here. Now What?
When people hear that I’m a former prosecutor and long-time criminal defense attorney, the most common question with variations to some degree I get is, “What do I say if the police pull me over/call me/knock on my door?”
In this brief and general explanation, I’ll give you the advice sought by so many people to these common questions. This is not meant to be complete and utter legal advice for you to rely on wholeheartedly. Every scenario and case is different in the real world. There are thousands of variations of every single situation that could change or affect your case-specific outcome. My job as a criminal defense attorney is to pick apart and surgically determine what is the best way to find a victory in your case. The following information is simply general advice and should be received as such. Always immediately engage the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney should you find yourself being sought by law enforcement to provide a statement or be investigated.
Having said that, this information should provide some guidance as to what your rights are, how you should respond, and what to do if the police want to speak with you, your family, and your friends.

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(626) 714-3112