The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C

221 E. Walnut St.
Suite 227
Pasadena, Southern California 91101

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(626) 714-3112

The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C

What do I do if the police knock on my front door?

Do not step outside. You are NEVER under an obligation to speak with police, defense investigators…anyone. Period. You have every right to speak with and not speak to whomever you want. Here is a safe but polite response: “What is this about? Do you have a warrant?”
(Through the door) “What is this about? Do you have a warrant?” If not, then there is no reason to let law enforcement into your house – period.
“Do you have a warrant?”. There is a pattern here – no warrant? No reason to speak to the police without a lawyer – period. In each of the three scenarios above, there is absolutely nothing wrong with telling the police respectfully, “I’ll be happy to speak to you once I have my lawyer with me. Please leave a card, or your name and number, and I’ll get back to you.”
“Do you have a warrant?” If so, comply with the warrant but don’t ask any questions – let them in to do their search, and ask for the warrant first. If not, then “No. You cannot search without a warrant.”
“Do you have a warrant?” If so, comply with the warrant but don’t ask any questions – let them do their search, and ask for the warrant first. If not, then “No. You cannot search without a warrant.”
“No warrant? Then do you whatever you have to do.” Let them arrest you, or you’ve just called their bluff. Either way, be polite and simply tell them you want your lawyer present or to speak with him/her first.
That’s just not true. You have every right to speak to or not speak to whomever you want: police, defense investigators, etc. It is YOUR choice. And if you’re already truly in trouble, you shouldn’t be speaking to police regardless, and only talk to your lawyer.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! Just because they are searching doesn’t make it legal. So even if they start searching and then ask again if they can search your bag, the rest of the car/house, etc., do NOT agree – “I am NOT consenting to this search.” BOTTOM LINE: DO THEY HAVE A WARRANT? If they have an arrest warrant, just let them make the arrest but DO NOT talk with them until you’ve spoken with your lawyer. If they have a search warrant, DO NOT talk to them but let them search.
Paul S. Geller

Call For A Free Consultation
(626) 714-3112

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