The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C

221 E. Walnut St.
Suite 227
Pasadena, Southern California 91101

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(626) 714-3112

The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C

What happens to first-time DUI Offenders?

First-Time DUI ChargesWhat happens to first-time DUI offenders depends on the details of the traffic stop. For the most part, what happens to first-time DUI offenders consists of:

  • 48 hours mandatory jail time
  • 3-5 years’ probation
  • Fines and court fees
  • 6 months driver’s license suspension
  • DUI school and counseling programs

Our Southern California DUI Defense Lawyer Can Navigate Your Case

Law enforcement has the right to pull over to the side of the road anyone they suspect of drinking and driving. An officer may decide to conduct a field sobriety test on the suspected drunk driver. The test determines if the driver can perform certain simple tasks. If further testing indicates that the driver has a blood alcohol level of 0.08% or higher, the officer may make an arrest for a DUI offense.

A DUI is a criminal charge that requires defense from an experienced DUI defense attorney from The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller. A first-time DUI offender should contact a Southern California DUI defense attorney immediately following their arrest. We represent many clients arrested on DUI charges and have defended many first-time DUI offenders.

Get a former prosecutor on your side during this critical time. Contact our offices to request a free case evaluation today.

Penalties for First-Time DUI Offense

Drunk driving is against the law in the state of California and offenders must fact prosecutors from the DMV and the criminal courts. A factor that can determine the penalties for first-time DUI charges is if a driver agreed or refused to take a blood alcohol test. Refusal to submit to a test is an automatic license suspension for 1 year. If a driver agrees to testing, he or she can receive a license suspension with restricted privileges for use only to drive to and from work or school.

Our goal when defending first-time DUI offenders is a reduced sentence or dismissed charges. At The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, we defend all types of DUI cases including first time DUI offenses. We know how to challenge DUI evidence presented by prosecutors for the DMV and the criminal courts.

It can be possible to aggressively pursue reductions and dismissals in these cases.

Paul S. Geller

Call For A Free Consultation
(626) 714-3112

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