The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C

221 E. Walnut St.
Suite 227
Pasadena, Southern California 91101

Call For A Free Consultation

(626) 714-3112

The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C

Individuals accused of crimes often forfeit their right to quality legal representation because they assume they can’t afford to hire an experienced criminal law firm or because criminal defense lawyers require high retainer fees to be paid all at once. This can lead to an even worse financial situation for these people, as going up against the legal system without the help of a competent criminal defense attorney means a greater chance of being convicted of a serious crime and having to pay hefty fines and penalties that come with it.

On top of that, criminal defendants who represent themselves are more likely to be incarcerated, especially for extended periods, leading to job loss, mounting rent and utility bills, and a criminal record. These factors can preclude individuals from obtaining a decent wage and living environment after their criminal issue is finally resolved.

It’s a vicious cycle that starts with a less-than-ideal financial situation and ends in a much worse one that’s nearly impossible to climb out of.

At the Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C., we try to stop this cycle before it begins by meeting our clients where they are. We don’t believe access to justice should depend on how quickly a person can access a certain amount of money. We thrive on providing the best representation to everyone entitled to it, no matter the charges they face or the amount of money in their bank account.

This is why we do everything we can to make our services affordable. We are happy to offer convenient, reasonable payment plans for clients who could benefit by paying small amounts toward attorney fees over time.

We also offer free consultations, so anyone interested in hiring our firm can get a good idea of what it will cost and how we can help make it affordable for them.

Paul S. Geller

Call For A Free Consultation
(626) 714-3112

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