The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C

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Suite 227
Pasadena, Southern California 91101

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The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller, P.C

The Law Offices of Paul S. Geller Blog

  • Published: June 9, 2017

Interviewer: Is there a common story that you just keep hearing from your clients about the arrest? A Minor Vehicle Infraction or Traffic Infraction, Such as Failing to Properly Stop at a Stop Sign Can Result in a Police Stop and Then into a DUI Investigation Paul Geller: There are several things that I’ve heard and I’ve read from police officer reports.…Read More

  • Published: June 8, 2017

Interviewer: What kind of clients do you see, typically; young, old, men, women? Who’s your typical DUI arrestee?Any Driver Can Be Subject to a DUI Charge Paul Geller: DUI’s, unfortunately, can happen to anyone. I’ve handled everyone from the professionals who go out for business meetings and they have a couple glasses of wine or some cocktails; to the party goers, if…Read More

  • Published: June 7, 2017

Interviewer: What have you learned about people’s behavior and their reaction to being arrested and prosecuted for a DUI? In other words, what sort human insight has been gained through the whole process? Most People Want to Put the Experience behind Them as Quickly as Possible Paul Geller: Most people are very nervous, which is normal. They are very concerned about work,…Read More

  • Published: June 6, 2017

When it comes to offers on cases of domestic violence, there are circumstances where after all has been said and done, my client still appears to be the person who’s been the aggressor, there is sufficient proof for the prosecutors to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, and the client did whatever they’re being accused of. I may oftentimes…Read More

  • Published: June 4, 2017

In a domestic violence case, there are often conclusions or assumptions in a police report that are not accurate, and that information unfortunately may go unnoticed and end up in the lap of the prosecutor. Their response is, “Well, the victim wants to cooperate” so they simply file the case. I’ve had cases where there are preprinted checkboxes and forms…Read More

  • Published: June 3, 2017

Most people are unaware of the true ways in which a criminal investigation takes place. Law enforcement officers can and do record people without their knowledge, often utilizing “pretext” phone calls, which are calls placed by alleged victims to the perpetrators in order to gain a confession – these calls are being guided by law enforcement officers and are being…Read More

  • Published: June 2, 2017

In order to answer this question, one must understand the process that normally takes place when a person is arrested. Whether domestic violence, a sex crime, a drug investigation, a murder, a white collar crime such as embezzlement, or any other type of criminal charge, the initial arresting officer will usually respond to the crime and then make some sort…Read More

  • Published: June 1, 2017

It’s important for people to realize that it’s all about hiring the right attorney, which is true not just for drug-related crimes, but for any crime. It’s important to hire someone who is knowledgeable and who continues to stay involved with the changing rules, laws and published cases. Being involved and educated about the process is important. For example, I…Read More

  • Published: May 31, 2017

Starting from the least to the most restrictive, the three most common options for dealing with any drug case in a rehabilitation type of sentence include diversion, which can be formal or informal, and can utilize the assistance of a judge or a prosecutor, which will usually happen in a very low-level misdemeanor case, such as someone who is charged…Read More

  • Published: May 30, 2017

In larger cases, when multiple parties are involved, everything would come down to the level of involvement of the accused, my client. Because of the nature of the investigation, there will be wiretaps approved by a judge and a law enforcement officer will have to provide something similar to a search warrant, as a statement of probable cause, to a…Read More

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